15373-2 Short Stub Extension
with T-Base 15370
15373-21 shown with T-Base
15370-1 (not included)
Hitachi Stub Extensions
Hitachi Stub Extensions with M4 thread (top and bottom) are intended to accommodate shorter working distance in the SEM. Available in 9, 12, 18, 25mm lengths. Stub extensions can be stacked. Material: brass with stainless steel M4, complete with aluminum locking nut. 12, 18, 25mm extensions come with 4mm thick 16mm Ø locking nut (#15373-22). 9mm extension comes with 2mm thick and 30mm Ø locking nut (#15373-23) included.
Prod #
| Description
| Unit
| Price
| Order / Quote
| Extra Short Stub Extension, 9mm, with Thin Locking Nut
| each
| $46.75
| Short Stub Extension, 12mm, with Locking Nut
| each
| 46.75
| Medium Stub Extension, 18mm, with Locking Nut
| each
| 46.75
| Long Stub Extension, 25mm, with Locking Nut
| each
| 46.75
| M6 Thin Locking Nut for Stub Extensions, Aluminum
| each
| 16.50
| M6 Locking Nut for Stub Extensions, Aluminum
| each
| 16.50